Benefits From Initiatives

All corporate stakeholders – investors, employees, consumers, service providers, suppliers, customers, etc. – will benefit if all non-executive corporate directors are required to learn and embrace the “tone-at-the-bottom” principles.

  • Benefits to Corporations.
More free market competition without the government choosing winners/losers
Better prepared and informed “knowledge worker” workforce
Enhanced reputation with the average citizen/voter  
Greater growth of the economies due to fewer sub-optimized environments
More solidarity in a higher calling among independent corporate directors
  • Benefits to Society.
Less unemployment and under-employment for the middle and lower class citizens
Less operating cost and more tax revenue for the public sector
Less litigation as the society will become less complex
Less fraud and waste in the public sector
Less stress and strain between public and private sectors


Inclusion of “tone-at-the-bottom” principles in the curriculum of corporate governance training programs will lead to better informed non-executive directors and more effective decision making in the boardroom.  It is a corporate social responsibility to ensure that the private sector operates efficiently and effectively as all stakeholders benefit.

The cost of our research projects, surveys, trainings, advocacy activities and this website is covered by sponsors and donations.  If you would like to make a donation to the program, please send checks made out to “The Creighton Group Foundation” to:

The Creighton Group Foundation
355 Grand Avenue, Suite 2450
Los Angeles, California 90071

or click on the donation button below to make your donation by credit card.  All donations are tax deductible in the United States.